Payment Methods

Yep Health® accepts multiple means of payment, all to increase your convenience and bring a greater variety of options to our customers!

Check below how you can pay for your purchases in our store!

The installment in the credit card can be done in up to 3x (three times) without interest or in up to 18x (eighteen times) with interest of 2.99% a.m. in our store.

We accept the Flags: Visa, MasterCard, Elo, American Express, Diners, Hiper, Hipercard, Cabal, Persona Card, Vale Card, More !, Brasil Card, Fort Brasil, Sorocred, Grandcard, Aura, Banese and Up Policard with the minimum installment of R $ 5.00 (five reais).

For your security, we do not store credit card details in our register. We will contact your card administrator for authorization. Then your order will be confirmed and released for shipping.

Make the payment of your purchases through direct debit to your bank account, all on a 100% protected and secure platform.

Make your payment through Banco Bradesco, Banco do Brasil, Itaú and Banrisul.

One of the options most used by Internet users, certainly is the boleto bancário, due to its convenience and practicality in online purchases.

➀ The application is not sent before the bank slip is paid;
➁ The shipping of products is done after payment confirmation, usually 2 business days after payment. Remembering that this period is the time that PagSeguro® takes to inform us about the payment, not needing any warning from the client;
➂ The non-discharge of the bank slip before the expiration of the same will cause the cancellation of the request;

PagSeguro® charges an additional fee of R$ 1.00 per ticket generated on your purchases that is added to the grand total.

Through this method, you guarantee 5% discount on any product in the store!

➀ The request is not sent before the deposit or the transfer has been confirmed;
➁ The shipping of products is done after payment confirmation, usually 2 business days after payment. Remember that this period is the time that our financial team takes to verify that the payment was actually made by sending the deposit voucher or bank transfer made by the client;
➂ Non-payment via deposit or bank transfer 4 days after the purchase made, will cause the cancellation of the request;
*As informações contidas neste site não devem ser usadas para automedicação e não substituem, em hipótese alguma, as orientações dadas pelo profissional da área médica.
Somente o médico está apto a diagnosticar qualquer problema de saúde e prescrever o tratamento adequado. A persistirem os sintomas, o médico deverá ser consultado.
Preços válidos somente para compras pela loja virtual. Em caso de divergência, o preço válido é o do carrinho de compras.
Não somos uma farmácia! Todas as nossas fórmulas são exclusivas, chanceladas e patenteadas pela nossa equipe médica, possuímos parcerias com diversos laboratórios onde todos primam pela excelência de qualidade em serviço.
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Todo o conteúdo do site, como imagens, fotos, logotipos, marcas, dizeres, conjunto imagem e layout aqui veiculados são de propriedade exclusiva da Yep Health®.
É vedada qualquer reprodução, total ou parcial, de qualquer elemento de identidade, sem expressa autorização.
A violação de qualquer direito mencionado implicará na responsabilização cível e criminal nos termos da Lei.
Yep Health Comércio Varejista de Suplementos Alimentícios Eireli EPP | CNPJ: 19.527.264/0001-26
Av Amintas Barros, 3700 - CTC, Sala 1001, Lagoa Nova, Natal/RN CEP 59075-810
Tecnologia Opencart ↕ Desenvolvido por Endless Dev