Common Questions

How can I pay for my purchases?
At Yep Health you can pay for your purchases by credit card (Mastercard, Diners and Visa, American Express and Hipercard), cash bank draft and online debit.

Can I pay my purchases on the card?
Purchases made by credit card can be paid in installments with or without interest, up to 12 times, in accordance with current commercial policy.

Is there a quantity and value limit on orders?
About the stocks of products sold on the site:
Products advertised on this site are subject to temporary lack of stock. In case of discontinuation of these by the laboratory, the fault will be permanent.

Why is there a purchase restriction for certain product items?
Through Portaria 344/98, psychotropic drugs are sold under the control of ANVISA (National Agency for Sanitary Vigilance), and an appropriate medical prescription is required, which will be retained at the time of purchase, thus preventing the commercialization of these drugs through Internet and Telesales.
- For more information on controlled and generic products see the Anvisa website clicking here.
Low temperature storage products (Refrigerator):
As these products are stored under refrigeration, delivery may only be made in the Minas Region. The time of transportation of these products to the other Regions and States would result in loss of quality and warranty of the same.
Yep Health, seeking excellence in providing services brings on this site the addresses where the products closest to you are marketed, click here. We sell and deliver at your home throughout Brazil.
Fast and safe delivery by Post.
To simulate the freight of your purchase click the "Calculate Freight" button that is available on all the product pages in the store and also in the shopping cart.

What is the deadline?
Products purchased at Yep Health are delivered throughout Brazil. The delivery period varies according to the location requested for delivery, chosen form of payment and availability of the product purchased.
IMPORTANT: The deadline given for delivery of your order becomes valid from the approval by the administrator of the credit card or confirmation from the financial institution of the payment of the bank slip.
Orders with payment confirmed after 13:00 will be added one more business day in the deadline given for delivery.
For the payment methods below, the delivery period must be increased as follows:
- Identified Deposit / Bank Transfer paid in Cash: Up to 2 business days.
- Credit Card: 1 business day.
Deliveries that can not be made on Saturdays in stores will be rescheduled for the next business day.
What are the delivery times and deadlines for sending the service?
For the neighborhoods located in Montes Claros, which are within the area served by Yep Health, the maximum delivery time is up to 3 hours, after confirmation of payment. Orders generated between 08:00 and 19:00 (Delivery is up to 3 hours).
Orders generated after 10:00 pm will be forwarded only the following day (In case of urgency contact our Telesales Department (38) 3221-2011).
Saturday, Sunday and Holiday (same Hours of Service).
In other locations in Brazil, deliveries will be sent by the Post Office, respecting the deadlines according to the type of freight chosen: Sedex or e-Sedex up to 3 business days, PAC 4-8 days.
With the deadline established by the Post Office plus the release deadlines mentioned above:
Orders generated between 00:00 and 18:00: 1 business day.
Orders generated between 18:00 and 00:00: 2 business days.
Orders generated on Saturdays and Sundays: Delivery from the 2nd working day of the week.
Requests generated in Holidays: Subject to changes in delivery period.

Can I mark the day and time for delivery?
We seek to serve our clients with the utmost care in our operations. However, our delivery service is performed by several indirect employees such as couriers and carriers, so we can not promise or schedule dates and delivery times.

How is the freight amount calculated?
Freight is charged according to the weight and size of the products and the place of delivery. For your safety, the freight amount is calculated automatically. Just type the zip code.

Can I change the delivery address after the purchase?
For your security it is not possible to change the delivery address once the order has already been reviewed. Please cancel the order and make a new purchase.

How can I contact Yep Health?
You can use the e-mail (, or you can contact us by phone (38) 3690-2011 (for information on orders placed through the internet and also to make purchases).

How can I contact Yep Health?
You can use the e-mail (, or you can contact us by phone (38) 3690-2011 (for information on orders placed through the internet and also to make purchases).

How do I change my registration information?
Just enter "My Account", enter email and password to access your registration data and make the desired change.

How can I change my password?
"When I identify myself on the site (Login), I receive an incorrect Login or Password. How do I proceed?"
On the main page of the site (Home) click on the link I forgot my password and inform the registered e-mail in the site.
The password will be sent to this email account. After a few moments (approximately 2 min.), Check the mailbox of the informed email.

Can I change or cancel an order after it has been finalized?

Orders not delivered
To request cancellation of your order, contact our Customer Service at (38) 3690-2011 Extension: 209 or by e-mail to to find out how to proceed. The response to your request will be sent within 1 business day. Wait for a new contact before resending your request.

Orders delivered
If you cancel the purchase after receiving your order, you must follow the procedures of the Exchange or Return Policy. Contact our Customer Service by phone (38) 3690-2011 Extension: 209 or by e-mail to to find out how to proceed.

Terms & Conditions
The information contained in this site should not be used for self-medication and does not replace, under any circumstances, the guidelines given by the medical professional. Only the doctor is able to diagnose any health problem and prescribe the appropriate treatment. The symptoms persist, the doctor should be consulted.
*As informações contidas neste site não devem ser usadas para automedicação e não substituem, em hipótese alguma, as orientações dadas pelo profissional da área médica.
Somente o médico está apto a diagnosticar qualquer problema de saúde e prescrever o tratamento adequado. A persistirem os sintomas, o médico deverá ser consultado.
Preços válidos somente para compras pela loja virtual. Em caso de divergência, o preço válido é o do carrinho de compras.
Não somos uma farmácia! Todas as nossas fórmulas são exclusivas, chanceladas e patenteadas pela nossa equipe médica, possuímos parcerias com diversos laboratórios onde todos primam pela excelência de qualidade em serviço.
© Yep Health ↕ Todos os Direitos Reservados
Todo o conteúdo do site, como imagens, fotos, logotipos, marcas, dizeres, conjunto imagem e layout aqui veiculados são de propriedade exclusiva da Yep Health®.
É vedada qualquer reprodução, total ou parcial, de qualquer elemento de identidade, sem expressa autorização.
A violação de qualquer direito mencionado implicará na responsabilização cível e criminal nos termos da Lei.
Yep Health Comércio Varejista de Suplementos Alimentícios Eireli EPP | CNPJ: 19.527.264/0001-26
Av Amintas Barros, 3700 - CTC, Sala 1001, Lagoa Nova, Natal/RN CEP 59075-810
Tecnologia Opencart ↕ Desenvolvido por Endless Dev